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Join the fight for Mental Health!

Welcome to North Lincolnshire Mind website! We are here to help you in your recovery journey and whenever you need mental health support. We believe that everyone should have access to good mental health support whenever they need it.

Here at North Lincolnshire Mind, we have created a safe and supportive environment where we provide a variety of services from 1 to 1 Confidential Listening service to recovery-focused groups and social support sessions.

For better mental health. 
Accessible to everyone

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About us

North Lincolnshire Mind (formerly Scunthorpe and District Mind) has been providing mental health support in the region for almost 40 years.

We are always striving to provide the best quality service for people who need mental health support. You can find more about our current services on the 'Our Services page.

Our organisation has a structure of trustees, volunteers, staff, and service users.

We are all here to help you with any requirements you might have.

We are a completely independent charity, but we are also affiliated with the national charity Mind and we are part of Local Minds Network. There are over 100 local Minds in England and Wales and we are proud to be part of this amazing network.

We offer a wide range of services to support your recovery ranging  from informal peer support and activity sessions to more structured  support such as our Coping with Life courses. You can find more details in 'Our services' page. 


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Our ethos

Our vision is to promote positive wellbeing, recovery, and inclusion for those affected by mental health issues.

We take pride in being part of North Lincolnshire Mind and commit ourselves to goals that make a positive difference. 

We are committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work by making our service accessible to all. 

We aim to build new partnerships to promote awareness and understanding of mental health within our community. 

We raise expectations of our own performance and that of others and we strive to achieve excellence and quality in all that we do.

Most importantly we care, we listen, we respect and value everyone. 


Equality and Diversity

We are working to make sure everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets the support and respect they deserve; being there for everyone experiencing a mental health problem is fundamental to who we are.

We know mental health doesn’t discriminate and doesn’t define us. We want everyone to belong and thrive without fear of prejudice or discrimination.

North Lincolnshire Mind recognises the nine protected legal characteristics under the 2010 Equality Act; age, disability, gender, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

We also acknowledge this does not encompass exclusion. People can be excluded because of their socio-economic background, weight, appearance, personality, nationality, and neurodiversity, for instance.

We want to end discrimination by creating an open environment that allows us to learn together. Our work will be transparent and align with the challenges faced by marginalised communities in a way that’s authentic and engages with the entirety of people’s lived experience.

Our Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity journey is constantly evolving. We will share and celebrate our progress whilst welcoming feedback on how we can improve. We are committed to being a learning organisation that encourages everyone to take accountability.

We live our equality and diversity values in the following ways:

  • As an affiliated local Mind under the National Mind umbrella, we adhere to its quality standards of governance and service delivery and share its commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

  • We are developing an action plan that sets targets for improving diversity in our trustees, staff and volunteers.

  • Our Inclusion Group keeps conversations current and explores ways to improve.

  • We are improving our data collection so we can reach out to people who are under-represented in our services.

  • Our workplaces are flexible for those with disabilities, carers, parents, and those with other responsibilities.  

  • We don’t shy away from discussing the intersectionality of race, gender, sexual orientation, neurodiversity and socio-economic factors with mental health, and the inequalities faced by marginalised communities in accessing mental health services.

  • We stand shoulder to shoulder with people with lived experience.

  • We aim to create an environment where everyone feels safe to identify in a way that feels most comfortable to them. For example, staff are invited to share pronouns and name pronunciation guides.

We have recently updated our EDI policy, if you would like to read this policy please email us for a copy. We would welcome feedback on how we can continue to improve. To feedback, please contact 

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North Lincolnshire Mind is affiliated with the national mental health charity Mind but our income is not subsidised by the national organisation. Our main source of funding comes from North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group. This funding is supplemented by income from fundraising activities, donations, and grant funding.

Over years we had a lot of amazing people organising fundraising events in aid of North Lincolnshire Mind or making a donation to help us keep our services open to everyone. If you would like to support us but are not sure how you can call and request a fundraising pack - it is full of good ideas and tips on how to make your fundraising event a success. You can find more ideas of how your simple everyday actions can help us on our 'Support us' page. 

Our Tests
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Confidentiality and data protection

We collect some information about our service users to make sure that we provide the best possible service to you and also to provide information to our funders. We explain our lawful basis for collecting this information in the Service user Privacy Notice (download here). All the information you give will be kept in confidence and will not be passed on to other services or people unless there are exceptional circumstances (for example risk to yourself or others or where we are required by law to disclose information). Rest assured that we treat information about you lawfully, confidentially, and with great sensitivity as our data collection policies are in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018). If you want to read our Data Protection policy or see the copy of the records that we hold about you please speak to one of the staff or write to us. 

We are also required to keep your information up to date therefore we ask our service users to let us know every time your personal details (name, address, telephone number, etc.) change. 

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We hope that you will find using our service a positive experience but if you have a complaint you can speak to a member of staff or the Chief Executive Officer. Alternatively you can put your complaint in writing to the Chief Executive Officer or Chair person and send to  us. If you would like a copy of our complaints policy please ask a staff member.


We value any feedback on our services and try to offer a  range of ways to share your views. If you want to share your thoughts and suggestions or would like to leave a compliment for our services you can complete a feedback form and put it in the box at the reception.

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North Lincolnshire Mind has been awarded the Mind Quality Mark.


The Mind Quality Mark is a rigorous quality assurance standard. It sets the bar of good practice and legal compliance for all organisations in the Mind Federation.


Local Minds are reviewed against the Mind Quality Mark standards every three years. The reviews are led by people with lived experience of mental health problems and senior leaders from other local Minds. They are based on a robust assessment of documentary evidence as well as interviews with and survey responses from trustees, staff, volunteers, and people who use services.


To achieve the Mind Quality Mark, local Minds must be well-run organisations delivering safe, life-changing support for people with mental health problems.


The Mind Quality Mark is a rigorous quality assurance standard. It sets the bar of good practice and legal compliance for all organisations in the Mind Federation.


Local Minds are reviewed against the Mind Quality Mark standards every three years. The reviews are led by people with lived experience of mental health problems and senior leaders from other local Minds. They are based on a robust assessment of documentary evidence as well as interviews with and survey responses from trustees, staff, volunteers, and people who use services.


To achieve the Mind Quality Mark, local Minds must be well-run organisations delivering safe, life-changing support for people with mental health problems.

Contact Us

North Lincolnshire Mind

Printers Yard

Fenton Street


DN15 6QX


Tel 01724 279500 

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